
Chronoludic (formerly known as RRoD) is a gaming blog dedicated to critical writing on gaming whilst being accessible to those outside of the critical community. We plan to focus more on editorials, impressions, retrospectives and anything else which is conducive to informed and constructive discussion about the subject we all love, gaming. We are not a reviews site and will not try to compete with the myriad of other such sites which can do this job far better than we could. What we do want to encourage is informed discussion, the circulation of each others ideas and to promote sincere and honest writing about games and gaming culture. Some ideas are introduced in the form of powerpoint projects for students

Who We are:

Chris Green -

“Gaming as always been be biggest hobbie in life that’s why I established RRoD (our first site) with the view to produce something which was able to look critically at gaming without taking itself too seriously. Besides gaming my biggest interests are writing, which includes blogging, short fiction writing and a non-linear narrative project you can read about here on Chronoludic. I’m currently a Masters student studying Film and Literature in addition to being a games buyer for a high street store. Any questions, queries or some such please get in contact via twitter @chrisgreen87 or email ex_con87 ‘at’ hotmail.com

Mike “Flyjones McCool” Dunbar -

My name’s Mike Dunbar, and in terms of games I’m having a go at experimental modding, and making a point-and-click adventure about dogs with my girlfriend. My interests as a writer are primarily in game design theory, and the artistic merit of game mechanics. I graduated from the University of Central Lancashire in 2007 with a 2:1 in Bsc Geography. It’s not paying the bills. Should you want to you can contact me on twitter @MikeDunbar or email me at mikepacod ‘at’ gmail.com”

Sebastian Wuepper -

“Video games and desktop RPGs have been part of my life for a very long time now. After spending what seems like years of my life playing and designing them, I started out on my own blog projects, of which till this day only Tellurian’s Petshop has survived with relatively sporadic updates, giving (hopefully) critical insights on more or less relevant gaming topics. I live in Berlin, where I’m majoring in history and American Studies, focusing on Cold War and Popular Culture of the US, making something of a living by working at the Jewish Museum. I’m also on Twitter as @Tellurian_I“